Saturday, April 10, 2010

5 Months...TODAY!

So, like I said, I thought yesterday was his 5 month mark. Of course all my records of that info is packed in storage right now (apparently I thought it useless to know right now.....huh) so I was off a day :(

Happy 5 Months Vance!! Today we will celebrate at the fair!! But no snow cones, or cotton candy, or popcorn, or rides, or stuffed animals.....ya know, I could tell how the fair could be a bit of a bummer for PIT's ha ha! Yet he can have all the attention and pets he wants today, seem fair? I think he thinks so too :)


Lisa and pups said...

Happy 5 Months! Looks like you get to celebrate twice little man! :)

Kimberly and Rufus said...

Happy 5 months! Hope you guys had fun at the fair yesterday.