Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Vance's First Race

Yes, Vance attended his first stock car race! I had attended this particular one once before and wasn't sure I wanted to take him the first time. I thought it was going to be a dirt track with us in the stands.
Because Adam works at a dealership that sponsored the race, we got free VIP tickets to an area that has chairs and tables and free drinks, food, and beer! It wasn't dirt, it was asphalt so the noise was not bad at all. With dirt track racing, you can hear the cars fifteen miles away easily, so you can imagine what it's like sitting in the stands.
So the second time we went, I brought Vance, because again, free VIP passes :) but no beer for Vance lol!
We got questioned at the gate (kept stating "no pets allowed") but they let us through after some explaining, The VIP steward was really nice to us, commenting how well behaved Vance was, what he was going to be, etc...

Since these could possibly become future Guide dogs, this was a perfect time to practice our "Down and Under" command. He did wonderfully! This dog continues to amaze me with his personality, character and how he learns things soo fast!

Doing a little light reading before the races. Looking at the race program (has sponsorship info., driver info, etc...)

Sun was really bright! Regardless, an okay picture :)

Towards the end of the races and when it was dark, I would set the camera on the ground and take his picture. Got a ton that way! It was soo cute!

1 comment:

Kimberly and Abby said...

Sooo jealous you got to go to the races and be comfortable, too.