Monday, June 28, 2010



Annie is such a goofy, silly dog! After having Tara for 4 years, I thought it was time to get another pup and this time, a purebred that I can train and use in the AKC ring. Sometimes though, your feelings get the best of ya. Even though I had a breeder all picked out and was on the waiting list, I fell in love with a litter of pups I had heard about through the grapevine. I went to go see them and sure enough, all of you know what happens when you see puppies...yep! I took one home. She has turned out not to be quite the breed standard, but sometimes you gotta make mistakes. She has turned into a good little dog. I couldn't use her in the ring cause I had to spay her and I had to spay her because of some health issues she has. Tried training her for Agility but wow!! She is soo focused on me, she plows through the jumps without blinking, I mean won't even jump them, just plows through them!! lol, see what I mean by goofy, silly, and interesting dog?
I took her to get her herding instinct test and sure enough, everything else may have been a bit off, but she was a natural for herding, of course. Once we find a place to train, we will once again continue to do that.
For now, she loves hanging out, rough housing with the other dogs, and chewing on bones ( she LOVES bones!) She is 6 years old, but of course, doesn't act like it at all :)

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